Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

r6 1 The'Parqbleofthe I not divorced from all other befides him. I 11ull ihew hence, I I. When the foul is in league with the cre,tture. ! 2. When married to the Law. I ihould account it happy if any be found out. CHAP. V. She"tveth the Nlark§s ant/ Signes "PP hereby the Soul may ktto"W whether hebe in league or lo1Je with any lufl or creature, or married to the Law. SECT. I. I THofe that never were in bitterneffe and forrow of heart for the lo!fe. of God. For thefe nvo things are as clear as the Sun. r. Thatthe lo!fe ofGod is thegre,ttell:lo!fe; for'tis theutmo(l: and !ail plague Uj:1011 tlie . tlamned in Hell: My Comforrs,my Friends, Means, Heaven ts gone, but tf G.Jd were mine, I could be comforted; No, God is gone : Hence no forrow for any lo!fe fo much as for thi~. Saul, I Sam.28.r 5. God u departed from me. Hence fore diftref[ed. Nay, the Lord Jefus when the Father departed for a time, and he knew he would return and viflt him, cried out, MJ God whJ haflthouforfak.!nme? z:' That all men living have lotl God, Ifa·59·I,2. Pfal. 5S.3. The wickfdgo aflvazfrom their womb. Now I would demand why men either feel no loife at all, or if thcey do, h.we not fo much Grace as the damned in Hell, to mourn bitterly f0r it, fo as nothing can comfort then, or if they do, they are i0on e,tfed and quieted before the Lo7d returns?· Why furely here is the great caufe ofit, they have fome other thing to eafe their hems in the want and lofleofGod, Jer.z.q,r4. Men mufl h,tve water to drink, why do men live f~om the fountain, g~ not to it, nay not know it ? Becaule they h.we broken pm, and wets at dietr own do0rs : So here. And hence rhe d,unned rh at hwe lived at etfe here all their life time, a!foon as ever detd, rhen they cry out of the lo!fe of Cod, when 'tis too late, becaufe while rhey lived, they had fomwhat to e.tfe themfelve> with.tll. And hence many that have ltved long with convinc(!d Spirits and guilty Confcience<, when they come to die, then they are in perplexities ofmi11d, aoonies of hem, infomucb as their fweat r.rickles like water from them, and their doleful outcrie; for lo!fe of time, flrike to the hearts of all that come near the:n. Oh! God i> gone,becaufe now all cornfottswhich were their Gods, and in Head ofGod before, have taken their final leave of them. S&rch your hearts therefore all you that hear me this day. Wall never troubled yet? Yes, I nave loft my health, my child, my husband, my goods, and this h,tth troubled me : But tell me, Did'H never feel a lo!feof God ble!fed for ever ? lofs of his light, his fweerne tfe, his love, his fe\lowl11ip, his prefence, &c. and this bath been thy intoller,lble load? Or if rhou haH felt ir, haft thou fought anq found him ? No, btit art jocund in that e(l:are, and now and then it troubles thee a little, then 'tis cert ~in and as clear as the Sun, uhere is fo!ne cre.tture orcontentthatthy hem is in le.tgue withal, whicheafeththeein thewantofGod, and which is in flead of God to thee, and which therefore is thy God. It may be thyl apparel, ,