Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

I!!!efl.· Anfw. The Parable of the you fee him in aglaffe, there you fee him as he is : ~od videtur in fpeculo , non eft im11go, as fome think. A man may know anorher by relation , or by fome pidure, but in aglafsthat is more full. The Jews they fawChrifl, but it wa~ under V ails and Types, and Pietures of him, this wasobfcure: under the Gofpel the vail is pulled off, aud withopenj11oe >~~efee.u in aglajfethe gll7fJ of the L>rd. In H::aven the glaffe is taken away,and then we fee as we are feen. 3. Be~aufe that eflare ~he Saints are rranilate~ inrc? is ~ llate o~Glory. Hence when Jufltfied, then glonfied. Hence as chat tanC1:1ficmon charts in rhe will is the beginning of the life ofGlory, [o chat light God puts into their mind, is rhe beginning of the light ofGlory. Hence as in Heaven rhe foul fee~ Chrift by the full !igh_tofGlory p~rfeetly, face ~o face, fo in rhis life rhe foul fees .Chrill: really as he ts, yet as m a glalfe tmperfealy. Hence we are fatd t:> fee in part. 4· In regard of that abundant goodneffe and l0veof Chrifl to his pe:>ple. Love cannot lock up fecrets, Jofepb hid himfelf from his Brethren for a rime, burhis bowels melt, he mu!t tell them that he is Jofeph. Chri!t may do fo, bLtt his love even conflrains him afterward, to let them fee whom be is, John 14.21. I confeffe its admirable love teJ reveal Chri!t in the Word and letter of rhe Gofpel to hear of him is happincffe, and if the Lord faves you, you will chink fo too~ But this is common to wicked men; there is a manifeftarion of himfelf as he is unto his people. And now he is in Glory, hence reveals himfelfin his inconceiveable, Glory, tha~ now a mans eye fees the Lord , and fuch things he never thought of before, whtcheyenever faw, r Cor.2.9. · How d!Jth thefoul fee him M he u ? I in this cafe, rather defire to learn than reach, even from the meane!t ; yet what is obvious I lhall fuggell, in this weighty buiineffe. This feeing of him appears in three particulars. 1. True faving knowledge and fight of Chri!t confills in the fight of the olory of his perfon, efFecially no;v c4ught "f' to He;wen, 411d fitting /lt the right h':ndof God, ina!ltheGloryoftheFather. Look as at rheJudgmem4y the Lordihall break out of Heaven in fuch Glory as ihJll amaze all the world , and all eyes ihall fee him , chat he ihall not only be admired in himfe!f, but in all his Saims, by all chat arc ro4nd about him : ju!t fo cloth the foul fee him now ( thouah not by the eye_of fenfe,yet by the eye ofFait?J though not com~ to judge che~vorld, yet now rulmg of the world; though not m the clouds, yet 111 Heaven ; thouob his Humanity only in Heaven, yet God-heads beams filling Heaven and Earth ; though nor yet coming in rhe Fa~htrs Glory , yet fining clothed l'l'ith the Fathers Glory: for if a man looks on Creatures, he fees Godsfoor-Heps of power; if on Angels and Saints, Gods Image of Holinelfe ; if in Chri!t , there God himfczlf, 2 Cor. 4.4, 5, 6, 7· 'Tis true then Chri(ls Gloryihall be feen by the Wicked, but ~hat's by fenfe, not by ~air?, that is ~)llly !n their minds,. but rhere is no fhining tnro the h~art, to the ktndlmg of an mfimre efleem of htm : and this the god of this World hides from peopl~; Chri!t the Lord of another world in fpioht of Satan reveals tD his people. Before a man fees Chri!t , there is nothing ~ore bafe than Chri!t, even ro the Elea, and then the 1vayes and \Tork of Chrifl, Jer. z. r I. HftVe an7 Heathm changed their r,ods ? thtr[e change their glory for that whi£h doth not profit: now the Lord will be, mufl be e!teemed of his people ; hel)ce wiU and dorh reve.1l this Glory of his to his Saints, where:ts he~ oth(!fi are blind. 2. I1>1 the beholding of the Lord as be come; and appears in the Glory of his Coven:mr, for when the Lord reveals himfelf fo as eo caufe the foul eo believe, and thereby eo make itoneofhis peaple,henever makes any a peoR~e, bm by entring into Covenant with rhem. Hence he ever appears in his Covenant fir IT, lfai._49·*lt· Look as when the Lord Ulade him a people at MeHnt Sinai, Mo[ts came