Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The S °ncere Ccnverti 13' If thou art moregrieved for the eclipfe of per" oition is of thine own honour, and for thine own loins, hiinfctf. then for the Joffe of Gods ,honour ., . it is an evident Gone thou lovel it not, d®f t -ell it 'riot Gods ho- as thy cliefc good, as the left end, for thy nor fl t'd fummum bonum, and therefore doll not feek be fought Gods honour in the prime and chiefeit.' lace. as the p chicfLl Sin troubled Paul more than all the plagues food. and miferies of the world. Indeed, if thyname be dafhed with diigrace, and thy will'becrof fed, thy heart is grieved and difquieted : but the Lord may loofe his honourdaily y thine own finnes, and thofe that be round about thee, but not a tear, not a figh, not a groan tobehold finch a fpeéhacle : As Pure as the Lordi lives, thou feekteft not the Lords nameor ho- uouras thy greatefk good. Fifthly, in judging the power of fin to be, but infirmity : For if any thing trouble an un- regenerate man, and makes him call his eft Fte into quefl:ion, it is fin, either in thebeing or power of It. Nòw fin in the being oúght not, niuft not make a man queflion his elate, be- caufe the belt have that left in them, that will . tumble them, and make them li ' e by faith Lhereiore the power of fin onety can juftl r thus trouble a Iran. Now if-a man do judge of this to be onely but inf. miry , winch the. heft arecompaffed about witha :i, he cannot but lie down fecur'efy and think h.rnfelf well. And, if this errour be fetled in one that lives in no one known fin it is very difficult to remove : For let the Minif}er calf the fparks of hell in their faces, and denounce the terrour of God a- K z gainfl: