Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert. z5'3 ceivefuch a monfter of men to mercy ; and if Mans per - neithér the hammer'tan break thy fion heart, dìtioin s Y Y oihirníelf nor the Sun-thine of mercy melt it, thou haft a heart worfe then the Devil, and art a friec$a- , de of the great,ef mifery. 1. in regard oflin. 2. In regard of Gods wrath. Firfl, in regard of fin. Thou hall finned,and that grievoufiyagainft a great Gods thou ma- kefl no great matter of this : no, but though it be no load to thee, it is load on the Lords heart, ifa. I. 24. and time will come he will make the whole finful world by Rivers of fire and blood, toknowwhat an evil it is. For I. In every fin thou doll frrike God' and fling a dagger 'at the heart ofGod. 2.In every fin thou doll fpite againft God : for if there were but one only thing wherein aman could do' his friend a difpleafure, was not here fpite ken if he did that thing ? Now tell me, lea h not the, Lord been a goodfriend unto thee ? Tell me wherein bath he ,grieved thee? and tell me in what one thing canft thou pleafe the Devil, and do God a difpleafure, but by fin ? Yet, O hard heart, thou makeft nothing of it. But confider thirdly, in every fn thou doll din- throne God, and feen} thy felfabove God : for in every fin this quetl.ion is put, l4ieniy Whofe v?ilifhall be done,Gods will or mans?Now finning let man by fin lets his own will above the Lords, up their and'fokicks God ( bleffed for ever adored LoveGolds of Milions of Saints and Angels ) as filth under his feet,. What will this break your Godwrath hearts ? the cer- Confider thenof Gods wrath, the certainty, taintyof it: f1 t;, =