Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert. 1. In his Efence. 2. In his 4ttribaes. 3. In his Perfovts. 4-. In his WWf/crkr. There is a glorious God. z . He is Glorious in his Effence. Nowwhat I Gods this Glory is, no manor Angel bath, doth,or Effeace. eve (ball know ; their cockle {hell can never comprehend this Sea he mull have the will dom of God, and fo be a God, that compre- hendeth the Faience of God : but though it cannot be comprehended what it is, yet it may be apprehended, that it is incornprehenq- ble and glorious ; which makes his glory to be the more admired, as we admire the lulire of the Sun the more, in that it is fo great we can not behold it. 2. God is glorious ix' his Attributes, which z.Gocis are thofedivine perfections whereby he makes ,Attributes himfelfknown unto us. WhicliAttributes are not qualites in God,but narures.Godswifdom is God himfelf, and Gods Pozrer is God him- Pelf, &c. Neitherare they divers things in God, but they are divers only in regard of our u n- derfanding,and in regard or their different ef- fec`fs,or different objeds. God puniihingthe wicked, is the junice of God; God compa onating the miferable,is the mercy ofGod. Now theAttributes ofGod, omitting curi- ous divifions, are thefe. z.He is a Spirir,or a fpiritual God,74). .24. An expla therefore abhorsall worth:p,and all duties per- nationof formed without the influence of the Spirit ; as G64ac= to confefs thy fins without fhame car forrow, and to fay the Lords Prayer without tinder LXGod. {land-