Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

6 The Sincere Convert. There Is a is glorious in dwelling in the Houfe, that is, I 1 g_or_OLIS God. the heart ofa poor lofi firmer. 4. He is glorious in his workr, in his works 4.God is of Creation, and in his works of Providence glorious in and Government: wonder tberekore that he Ms works. fhould,fo vouthfafe to look upor fuch worms, fuchdunghils, fuch Lepers as 1,ve are, to pro- vide, protei, to flay his Son ' co call,to ftrive, to wait, to give away himfelf and all that he is worth, unto Us- Oh fear this God wher you come before him. People come before God in prayer, as before their fellows,or as be- fore an Idol. People tremlile not at his voice in the word.AKing or Monarch will be ferved in State,yet how rudely, how flovenly domen The end of the firft ,, about every holy duty ? Thus much of the Principle. wil principle head, That there is one moft glo- . riota God. Nowwe are to proceed to the Co- fond. The id. Principle. DoE. I. CHAP. IL That this God made all mankindat firfi- in a mofi glorious andhappy efiate,like, unto him- f elf. F Or the opening of which Affertionj have chofen this Text, Eccl.7. 29. God made man righteous ; which clearly demon- firates, That God made all mankindat firft in Adam in amoft glorious, happy,and righteous eftate; Man when he came fiat out ofGods Mint, fhined molt glorious. There isa marvellous glory