Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

58 Mans ni- Heavens thall be on a flame,the Elements !hall (eryy ÀIS melt like fcalding lead upon thee : when a pit. boure is on fire atmidnight in a town, what a fearful cry is there made ? When all theworld thall cry, Fire, fire, and run up and down for fhelter to hide themfelves but cannot find it, but fay,Ohlnow the gloomy day of blood and Ere is come; here's for my pride,here's for my oaths,and the wages for my drunkennefs, fecu- rity, and negle&of duties. Theac_ 3. In regard of the heavy accufations that clarions thall come againft thee at that day. There's pairt# never a wicked man almoft in the world, as wìckcd fair a face as he carries but he bath at fome time or other committed fome fuch fecret vil- lany , that he would be ready to hang hi?nfelf for !lame, ifothers did know of it ; as fecret Ecelej whoredom, felf-pollsstion, fpeculative ypstnton- 'refs ,men with nsen,women with women, as the Apoftle fpeaks , Born. x At this day all the world (hall fee and hear there privy pranks, then the Books !hall be opened. Men will not take up a foul bufinefs , cot end it in private, therefore there !hall be a day of publick hear- ib ed u The Sincere Convert. 11 ing ; things (hall not be fuddenly w u as carnal thoughts imagine, viz,. Tlat at this day, firft Chrift !hall raife the dead, and then The King- the feparation than be made, and then the fen- ly offcr of tence paft , and then fuddenly the Judgement c; hriff day is done. No, no,it muit take up fome large inky pro- quantity of time,that all the world may fee the i'abiy 'at/ fecret fins of wicked men in the world , and prime longer is therefore it may be madeevident from all Seri- :emu.. pture and Reafon that this day of Chrifts 'ration. Kingly