Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

---._.-r-...,.',c' The Sincere Convert. Ici:75ris oar (hall never hurt us; but we fhall be efteemed only tce- of God to be that which we defire and labour'deemer. to be, Pfal. 14.5. 19. But can the Lord offer Chriff to me, fo poor Olaf. . that have no fl:rength, no faith, no grace, nor fenfe, of my poverty ? Yes, even to thee ; why fhouldwe except Angry. our folves when Chript doth not except us ? Come unto me all ye that are weary andheavy Chrift cols laden. . We are therefore poor, becaufe we aii sinners know'not our riches. We can never be in fuchlt° cone a condition,, wherein there will be 'uff eaufel w thO utin I {wkhcur ofutter difpair. He that fits in drtrk_nefrc and exceplon. feet?) rao light, no light of comfort, no light of God's countenance, yet let him trail/. in the name of the Lord. ' Weakne%s donot debar us from mercy ; nay they incline God the more. The husband is bound to bear with the wife, ar being the weaker veff'el ; and ($-tall we think God will exempt himfelf from his own Rule, and not bear withhis weak Spoufe ? But is this offer made to me that cannot love, pbje . prize, nor defire the Lord ?efru ? Yes, to thee, Chrifl knowes how to pitty Anfw. us in this cafe. Weare weak, but weare his. A father looks not fo much at the blemifhes of oChr`ft his Child,as at his own nature in him; fo Chrift, wns,n, finds matter of love from any thing of his own thong e rne in us. A Chrifinns carriage towards C111-ill they are may in many things be very óffenfive, and weak, and caufe much ftrangneffe, yet (fo long as he re- cannot g , 'Y ( prize ànirn folves not upon any known evil) Chrift will own him, and he Chrift. Ohbut I have fallen fromGod oft, fence he objell. bath