Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

I, 76 The Sincere Convert . Chrilt our bath inlightned me; and doth he tenderChrift onely Re- deemer. to Ale? Thou mull know that Chrift bath married Alihr. every believing foul to himfelf, and that where the work ofgrace is begun, fin IQfes ftrengttl by eery new fail. If there be a fpring of fin in thee, there is a fpring of mercy in God, and a Fountaindaily opened to wafh thyunclean- neffe in. Adam ( indeed) loft all by once finning, but we are under a better Covenant, a Covenant of Mercy, and are encouraged by the Son to go to, the Father every day tor the fins of that day. PPica. lf I was willing to receive Chrift, I might have Chrift offered to me ; but will the Lord offer him to filch a one as defires not to have Chrift ? Anfro. Yes (faithour Saviour ) I would have ga- Chrift of- t heredyou as the hen zatheroh her chickens on- fers himfelf der her wings, and you would not, We muft to thole know a creating power cannot onely bring that do not defile him. fomething out of nothtng, but contrary out of contrary ; of unwilling, God can make-us a 'willing keople. There is a promife ofpouring cleanwater upon sa, and Chrift bath taken up- on him to purge his Spou fe,and makeher fit for himfelf. What haft thou now to plead againft this ftrange kindneffe of the Lord in offering Chrift to thee ? Thou wilt lay, it may be °Neff. Oh ! I fear time is paft, Oh ! time is paf1. I might once have had Chrift, but now my heart is fealed down with hardneffe blind- nefre,