Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

10 Wick(tfmen feoles ~. that kno\ves ,V\rhat \vife-· dome is,~nd what is folly. If a (o1lc ·fhall call ~ man foole, hee dothnot regard it, but if a \-Vifen1 an, efpe. cially the G ~d of ,.viftd()nu - call a manfoole, bee hath rear0n to regard ir' v-.rho ~ can judge better of v:ifedome then G ed, \\' ho is _ O»ely wifel , ~ \Vhy .. vie- ; Why jlre · w/&ked men kedmen · fooles, and Gods -children, are te.rmed fo forre 111 t htyyteId to t6eir fooles. 1 ifl 1 1-/t s . ~- · . -In _divcrs refpeds. - · 1 -J ~ - k , . Firfi, For l tcke of d'ir: for_ac ~ o . . ll I - . · rlifceiBincr . cernrng 1n a t 1ecarn2. 0 o. e, 1 -./ o and paffagcs oftheir1ives. · · . · . . You . .