Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

1/f'icke~ men foflles. 15 . they cannot be wife,ther ~ fore the rich ·man in-the G ofpell, is called a foo!e) andin Jer.z7. hee fpeaks ofa n1an that labors all hi5 lift time, andin tiJe end i,· 4 foole 3 .Is not he a foo!e th a t ~willca;·rie a bnnhen, and load himfelfe in his journey· more then hee needs, and is not hee afpi- . rituall foole, that loads him[elfe with- ~hick cltty ( as the Prophet calls it ; · .and makes his pilgrimage more cumb@rfome then hee needs r Is not hee -a ·- ·foo!e_ that la yes the heavi- · eft w·eight on the \Veakefi ~· that puts off the · heaviefi burthenofrepentance,tothe til~e officknelfe,