Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

G1.dt~kes notice of his. 9 .A certaine womaN n11m~tl . Lydit~. ·o R her fex, 1hee, and the refi were women that were gathe.. red together, as wee fee _, in the former verfe. ·. li1 ~hrift Iefos there is nei-._- ther ·male nor feme:lc. Sin came in by a wom~n,and · ·the meanes of falvation· was by a ·w0man too, . here were a company of w·omen· gathered· ~ogeio.· ther. · · t . • ' l. I ' For tbe moft part 'vo• Wo~ens' men haue fweet affettions: ,' affeSt~o~s . 1. . d l · .. I to relrcrtoa , to r~ 1~10n, an -: t 1ere1n · firoq~~ £ . ' . · B 5 . they . . . . /