Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

10 .they oft goe beyond . men. EJa[.t .' The reafon · is, Religi~ <?D. is-efpecially feate d in _ the affections :· and tkey · haue fweet and firopg af . , ,feetions. . 2 Likewife they are fuh-- .- ··. ie~ __ _to, weakenetre, ·and ' . . God' delights to fhew his. · ; rength in weakn~f!e. _ ' · _And thirdly, efpeeially . Child beariAg-women,. , bring others into this life · ·with danger of~heir· o·wn, ·: ) therefa re they are ·forced 't9 ·a nearer c0mm.union - · . with~~d)becaufe fo -miay chiidten as they bring -\'forth_, _. th~y are in perill . . ef thetr 'hues. ,Therefore~ . _the A poftl~ her~ meDtions . ,.. - - - . a ' ~