Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

.. Abrahffm he had.a conceit they· v;oul.d .abt1fe . his wife, &ure/1 the flare God is not here, therefore he 1thought they would not b·ee afraid to doe any thing, he_ tbat feares not Goaif opportunitie ferue, · he will not be afraid to violate the fecond table · · bee that feares God hee . ~ill -· reafon) how (hAll 1 tloe this, · to wrong anarber in his naq1e, · and reputat.ion,or in his eftate, & fin againll Goti? . for I cannot fin ne againfl man, but I mull: firft fin againfi God, that is the reafon he fets it downe thus, trttnfgrefsio»_s ttnd iniqt~iti if. See