Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

ofJickntj[e. that f\vearc, and carrie themfe!ues in a .Ioofe, ri · ·diculous fcand.alous ·fa.:. lhion, as i( God did not eye .their carriage~ i and yet ttm I tf()t in jtjl'!Welll · it is no jefHrg matter, linne is like a fecret poyfon, perhaps .it doth not .worke prefe-ntly' as there ·are fome kind E>f fubtile ~poyfons made iA thefe dayes(wherein the Vevill ·hath whetted mens wits) that will werke perhaps. a yeare after, fo finne if iit be once committed per~ hap~ it doth nor kill pre. fently, but 'thtrt u de.zth in the P1t, thou art a · child of dtttth, as foone· as eucr thou haft commit· ted"' Sin a poy. fon. · I .. . '-