Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

. _\ hauc fauing grace let' him neuer talke whether bee bee prepare.d or no. This ~i(pofirionilicwes thathe is prepared enough, at Ieaft to bring him to con~ verLion. · Now, G1d in prepa- "" Progreiie • ofprepara- . rarton fOr the moft part t io11. Civilizeth people, . and -:. . . ' ·,.. ' .. . then C hrill:i~nizeta them _as J may fay : fer the fpirit of.G o n will not beeffeduall in a rudew~ld, ·and barbarous foule, in men that are nat men ; Thercfore'they muft: bee. brought to Civilitie, and not ~nly to "civilitie, but. there mull: he a worke 1o£ the law, to caft , 'them · downe, and theta.they ·are