Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

brought to C~riil:ianitie thereup0n. ·. , Therefore they take a: good courfe- that labour to breake them from their · --. natnrall: ·rtidenelfe, ·ant!}/ feircencffe :as by naturee~: · very man is like a wild4Jt·• Colt ,therecannet 'be Ol·ore ' ' , ligaifi~ant word~ ~ :CIIi; - 411 afft Colt ,t~t~d-wllr!_; Now . therisnofowiog in the.·fand.:· . . oronthewater ::there-is no.. · forcin-g of grace on a foule fo f:Lrre indifpo fed that is : ,-- ·not brought to Civilitie; ru_de,and barharQus foules · ·· therefore · cods manrier· is / >' to bring them in the cQill- _ . I paffeof Civilitie, and then ' feeing what .their efl:ate is ·. . ' · inthecorruptioh·of nature· , - C to