Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

t ne Gofpell and the prea-. ching of it_ may haue a free ~ pa!fage,that God \VOl1ld fet - . vp lights in all the dark e corners of the kingdomr, and every whe,re t? th~fe , that ar.e in darkenejje, and in the [hadow of tiea_th ~ And blelfed are theirindeauour that la~our, t_h at the Go f. · · · ( , pellmay I be prea~hed in et:Iery part o£tlie Ki ngdo1n•. For-we f<=e here, it is . the word unfolded,~ the unfearr chable riches o-f .€hrift fpread,.open,the Tapeftry laid ·opc:n,tbat, ufuall~ be.: get·fait'h.The rninemufi be d~ggcd: people m\lllfe~it ;familiarly. Jayd open. ,· Therfore faith he here~, . Lydii's heart was opened, . - .· D 3 _ · : aQg . ' / . '. / ' 1 l { i