Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

c I on the Woul. -~h~p~eac her! 0 h Lord di· red him thathetnayfpeak . fitly to me, fomewhat for, iljy underftanding, femewhat · for my · affedions, . _ fomewhat to belpe me a- . gainfi fuchj~Tt;ch<a temp- -~ tation:thi~ is "Yanting, ·a~d ;_ . therf~re· we profitn,o more ~ _ . by the.\"'W·ord then we doee- ·. · ~ Then when ~ "Ne come to l 1 c 1 2 . 1 ('·· · £\ 11ew1r , .. beare the word/ le t Hs fu~j etlio;."" .} · he;1~·e i~ with all fpirituaU i _.. 1- : {UbJeCtion, as -that Word [,· · \ ~- ~ that: hath .pow·er to Corn .. ~ · ,, fJ ·tnand · the confcienlce. · i ~· .. . ' This is the .word of God ~ · · l ,~ . rh~ Mini!l:e.r ofGod fpeaks ·_ ~ in the place ofG.odtp me• .: .I muft give an -accqunt of . ' I · . I ir.l will fubjeet my confci- _,_ . ence to it: It. is fpoken with ~ evicience~ ~ ·------~----~~~·~~ ·----·' i I