Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

.I j I . I 6o-· Directions to attend ' I evidence, , and , prov~d; If J · ~ill fioupeto/it. Thus we . f.hould ·,come · .with ,fuf:i. jedion of foule and confc'iehce to whatfoever is ta~1ght; and not come..- to . jodge,~nd tenfure, , or ·· to 1. ·delighijn it as. tnnfique,-as I if w.:e ~a~e to a. play, tG} ' · heare fon.1·e prettie f~ntCll'··· , · ces~'" but come to heare · God~ astO 'the ordinance ·. ·_ef, God, c?mef.s to· ~t9at ·Word tbtattihall Judge OUF fouies at the la.ttcr '-day; , thatJs-the way.toa.rtend~. - rhenagaine,tfwe woukf ' attend, when'. vve have : . 3 _ , heard t~e \Vord of God, To-get the let us labour by all meanes .. ~ord. in-: to .bringit neare to us~ · / graf(ed. . ·• may be an ingrj(;; , '. ·- .. I I \