Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

~tAn)cries Come ttlld'helf us, tho~gh _they doe·not crie . with their ntouthes, yet their efiate- cries·. The 'A- · pofi:~e upon this . vifio~, takes his journ~y to come toward!J4cedonia, ·and he ftayed there a good whi.le; /.lee - abo~e_c~rtA~Af4ye~. Though God called him to Macedonia : yet. God did , n_ot giue him gr-tat incou- ,_ragement for the prefcnt. : I T,his is the manner ofGods carriage; not tf> difcouer at the -prefen.t what he wil doe, b~t leads people on by gentle incouragements: and ·to humble them the more with little fruit at the firft, hee abode there :I certlllne dayes)withoutany · ~ \ -B 2 great 3 .