Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

AND SMOKING FLAX. 103 and performed; sin is judged, condemned and executed. Our spirit, being under the Spirit of Christ, is governed by him, and, so far as it is governed by him, it governs us graciously. He and we are of one judgment and of one will. lie bath his will in us, and his judgments are so invested in us that they are turned into our judgment, we carry his law in our hearts, written by his Spirit; and the law in the -inner n1an, and the law written, answer as counterparts to each other. The meaning then is, that the gracious frame of holiness set up in our hearts by the Spirit of Christ, shall go forward, until all contrary power be brought under. The Spirit of judgment will be a " Spirit of burning" to consume whatsoever opposite corruption, like rust, eats into the soul. IfGod's builders fall into errors, and build stubble upon a good foundation, God's Spirit as a spiritual fire will reyeal this intim-e, and waste it : they shall by a Spirit of judgment condemn their own errors and courses. The whole work of grace in us, is set forth under the name 9f judgment, and ti..Ometimes wisdom : because jt1dgment is .