Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

· 124 THE BRUISED REED slips and failings, stronger; to raise us out of all troublesome and dark conditions of this life; and, at length, to raise our bodies out of the dust. }'or the same power which the Spirit shewed in raising Christ our Head, from the sorrows of death and the lowest degree of his abasement, the sa1ne power obtained by the death of Christ from God, now appeased by that sacrifice, will the Spirit shew in the church, which is his body, and in every particular member thereof. And this power is conveyed by faith, whereby, after union with Christ in both his states of humiltatio:q. and exaltation, · we see ourselves not only dead with Christ, but risen and sitting together with him in heavenly places; now we, apprehending ourselves to be dead and risen, and thereupon victorious over all our enemies in our Head; and apprehending that his design, in all this, is to conform us to himselt~-are l?y this faith changed into his likeness ; and so become conquerors over all our spiritual enemies, by that power which we derive from him who is the storehouse of spiritual strength for all his servants. Christ at length wiU .