Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

10 THE ·BRUISED REED mercy to all bruised reeds, consider the comfortable relations he bath taken upon him of husband, shepherd, brother, which he will discharge to the utmost. For shall others by his grace fulfil what he calleth them unto, and not he, that, out of his love, hath taken upon him these relations, so thoroughly founded upon his father'~ assignment, and his voluntary undertaking? Consider his borrowed names from the mildest creatures, as a lamb, a hen, to shew his tender care : consider his very name, Jesus, a Saviour, given him by God himself: consider his office, answerable to his name ; which is, that he should heal the broken-hearted. At his baptism, the Holy Ghost sat upon him in the shape of a dove, to shew that he should be a dove-like, gentle mediator. See the gracious manner of executing his offices : as a Prophet he came with blessing in his mouth, " Blessed are the poor "' in spirit," and invited those to come to him, whose hearts suggested most excep- - tions ag8inst themselves. ' ' Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden." I-Iow did his bowels yearn, when "he saw the people as sheep without a shepherd?"