Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

168 CircumfkanceS ofChri4s A( centon, The Place; 1 The Time. 103.17. 4. 2 3 receirved up in Glory. Itwill notbe altogether unufefull to fpeake ofthe circumflances of Chrif}abeing taken up toglory. Whence was he taken ? He was taken up to glory fromMount Olivet, where he ufed to pray, land where he fweat water and blood where he 1was humbled ;from the place of Humiliation, was his Afcenfion to glory : fhewing unto us, ¡that theplace oft timeswhere we pray, wherewe arcaffli&cd, our fickBeds, nay, theplaces of our abafement, the very Prifons, they may be as Mount Olivet to us front whence Godwill take us toglory: Let no man therefore fears any abafe, ment; it may prove as Mount Olivet to hire, in this refpe&. And when was he taken up to glory? Not be- forehe had finifhed his worke, as he fayth, Iohn 17. 4. i have finifbed the worke thou viva me to doe: Then he was taken up,when he had done all, when he had accomplifhed our falvation: And after his abatement, not before. So,our taking, up to glory, it mutt be when wee -have done our worke, whenwe have tiniíhedourcourfe, when we have runne our-race, whenwehave fought the good fight. And alfoafter our abafemenr,we muff firft rulerwith Chrifl, beforewe can begloriftedwith him. Agaìne, ifwe fpeake ofthe firft degree of Chrifts,glory, his Rcfurreft ion ; hewas taken up toglory when hewas at the lowefl that could be, when he was in the Grave : fo Gods Church and children, at the loweft, they are Deere ft toglory VVeufetofay,Things when theyare attheworft, are