Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

r"MMIIII.M.1.1111111Minglinisilimilimillimmil".111.1..I111.1111.1111 ,iyI:.. , 3 8 I Godlineße agreat 4yfBrie: Pfer How to be af- feâedwith this great My- (tcrie, order, outofconfufion ; for God to make man a glorious creature, of the duff ofthe earth, it was a great matter: but what is this in comaparifon, for God to be made man ? It was a great and wondrous thing, for lfrael tobedelivered out of IEgypt and Babylon : but what are thofe,to the de- liverance out ofHell , and damnation, by the Gofpel?What are the Myfleries ofNature, the Miracles ofNature,the Loaditone,&c. to thefe fupernaturall Myfteries? There areMyfleries in theprovidence ofG od,ingoverning the Worlds Myfteriesof Satan, Myfteries of iniquity, that deceive the World : thewife menoftheWorld all wonder at the Beaft; a great Myflerie: but what are all Myfleries, either ofNature, or Hell, to this Great Mpierie ? I might be eidleffe in the point. Firft ofalI, learne hence frombleffed S. Paul, how tobe affeeted,whenwe fpeakeand thinkeof the gloriousTruthofGod ; thatwe fhouldwork upon our hearts, tohave large thoughts & large expreffions ofit. S. Paul thought it not fuffici- enr, to call it aMyfierie, but a Great Myfierie: he doth not onely call it Riches ,but unfearcheable. Riches. Sowhen he fpeakes of the fruits ofthe Gofpel, what ftrangewords the Scripture bath ? Peace ofConfcience, that paßeth nnderflanding; and, joy unffeakable and glorious ; wee are brought out of Darkneße into marvellous Light : As ifall things were full of wonder in the Gofpel; both the thing , and the fruits of ir. Suresy,all that have the fame fpirit, andhave their eyes open to fee in