Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Salomon a typeJot Chrill. I 83 lots for the living child, as all Ifrael hearingthe judge_ mentfeared the King; for theyfaro that the zrifdome ofgod, wu in him to doejufice, i.Kïng. 3-.28. But ourSalomort is the ¡Lift judge of all the world, who thail palle a righteous fentence betweene the godly and the wicked, in that great and terrible day.Mat. z 5.when all flefhThal feeand admire the wifdome and power of God in him todoe Suffice. For application, briefly. I. eArgreater then Salomon is heare, Luk,I r .31... r. Hence our Saviour perfwades to come to him to partakeofhis wifdome, wealth, peace, grace. But the Cueeneofthe South (hall rife up againfl this generation. For Thee i . a woman of weake fexe. 2. a Queene enjoying pleafures at home. 3. undertooke a long journey from the cadsofthe earth, Mat. 12.42# 4. Set afide the weighty affaires of her kingdom;, the charge of her journey and gifts to Salomon not fmall, i. King. 10# o: the dangers, wearineffe, and all to heare the wifdome ofSalomon, yet as a Gentiledid all this : But many men and women profeffing Chrillianitywill not flep overtheir threfholds to heare the wifdome of a greater thenSalomon. 06: ifSalamon or Chrift were heere,wewould. Sol. j. Thejewes would fay fo,but would not. 2. Hee that heares you, heareth mee. 3.° He-that will not heare us, would not heare Chrift himfelfe. Ob : Wee have bufineffe and occafions. Sol : 1. Many make occafions which might be avoi- ded. z. Many pretend occafions. 3. Many have occafions, but fo had this Queene, who would not bekindred from Salomon by the weighty affaires of a kingdome. 4. Whofe occafions ordinarily hinder theth, they fhall never tafte ofthe fiapper. z. Hence wee mull labour to account it our happineffe that wee' may have liberty to wait on the true Salomon. So the Oueene ?fSaba: Happy are thy fervants that may attend G z on yfe.i. Duties to Chrifl, our Sa toman. I.Heare him. i.Wait on him and thinke thy felfe therein happy.