Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Salomon a type ofChri /t. ded to it by fixe flayres, fignifying that the King rifeth aboveall his fubjeFts manydegrees in praCtife ofmany vertues;wifdome,prudence,juftice,fortttude, piety r So Chrifts Throne is infinitely exalted aboveall Princes, a- bovemen & Angels, dominations, principalities,thrones, and fetat the right hand ofGod ; and himfelfe as infi- nitely.tranfcendeth all creatures in practice of all graces, inperfeéion of' all holíneffe.. 3. The figure was round : fignifying the perfeftion and firnplicityofthe minde in the judge difcerning caufes ; who could not abideany deceitfull,fraudulent, or hypocriticall courtes or corners : Such is the Throne ofChrift, inwhom was never foundguile nor deceit, neither canhe abet, or not hate it in any. 4. There were two pillers or barrel to beare tip the armes ofSalomon: fignifying the rewards and defenceofgood men, and the punilhment and re- preffing ofevill men by thepower of his arme, whereby Kingsand kingdomes are fuftained : So our Lord jefus upholds his kingdome by rewardand punif1went ; and in the laft day ihall let the fheepeat his right hand, and thegoats on his left. S. TwoLyons ofgoldaanding by the f#ayes noting the power and fortitude of the King, whofe ftrength is as the llrength ofLyons againft enemies, and to put inexecution wife and foveraigne counfells. But ;alomons ftrength was weakeneffe to the ftrength ofChrift;who as acouragious Lyon ofthe tribe ofJudah (hall tease and fpoyle his enemies ,.:andnose /hall rcfcue, Hof S . i 4. 6. The Foote ofiswas ofgold, z Chr.9.1 8. tonote the freedomeof the King from covetoufnefre ; that he ought tohave his wealth under his feet, and fomatter them as they neither over- come nor corrupt him: So Chrift thejudgeofthe world molt perfectly defpifed the world; and at his appearing fhafl let it tinder his feet and burne it. 2. For ad- miniftring according to tholegifts. Salomon did with fuck admirablewifdome judge betweene the two hors