Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Ionah a type ofChriffi. admire Gods power and wifdome,,And patiently With Ionah expe6after darknefle light. And feeingGotican turne the greatefl eviil into the greaten good of his Church; let us lat'our to make benefit ofall evì`lls hap- ning to cur (elves and others. 1. Even of our fumes thervfelves, to make us more humble and watchVull for time to come. z. Ofour. fufferirags,as Ionah andChrift learnedobedience by the things they iûffered. V. In the type and truth we have, frfl terror on the one hand;fecondly coznf<< rt on theother. r Wee iee the waightof finne committed pvetfed iol h into the deepefi fea devils ; and fume imputed'thru(l Chrift into a deeper fea, even the deepefl hell. Both feeen left ofGod in the hands ofdeath; bothcry our as left in the depthofhell. r. Doe thou r.w fromGod-aid dirty, and though thoubetel Gods childe, thou mail} finde God purfuing thee,as ifhe Were an utter and--irreconcileafrle enemy. z. Make as light a reckoning of finne as thou canfi, the leafl ofthem (huts us or Chrift out ofheaven. DothChrifl undertake thy finne, he fees i?,Qt eave,ntill he die for ? finne imputed will nñt ilea Chrift enter into heaven, but by his owne blood, yea through I e1.I Thy finne repented of held Chrift, an innocent, ors heaventill he dyed for it : but where (hall ungod!Y'ard impenitent finners appeare ? z, This fame collation affords ti frandrygrounds of comfort. t. -Both feerne forfaken,neither ofthemwas fo; but both ofthemgoe to his God. There is no time nor place wherein the childe ofGodmay not boldly goe to ,God, and pray to his God, and fay.: MyGod, my God. z No deepe is fodeepe but Gods hand can reach help into it, even into the Whales belly, andheart of the earth. 3. The ex- treatnefl miryand death it felfe worke to good to the godly. See it in Jonah : Wherew ífeaYedperdition,there vaefi9taridrefirvation. The Whales belly was a iorifon indeed;butroprefervehim alive; asleepgul e and à fea, but Vfes. Terror of fin, even in Gods otvne children. Andcòrrifqrt. vGiputábatur Pntcratttl, z,bi,cu- ,ßsilt