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tas i Conl ecraiion ofprief.r,a typeofari%, Note. 2. Minifters mad} increafetheir gifts,' Note, 3. Duties of pri- vate beleevers. themfelves ottely : but hee receives fuch a meafure as tonnes over to the fandifying ofthe loweft andmeaneít ofhis memr hers. Hence, r.loh. t 27. the anointing 73/hicb wee have ofhäns, dwells in you, and teachethyou all things. And t , Cor. i . x 1,2 z . It is Godtbat anointeth us inChrifl; andfealeth, and giveth us the carnefl of the Spirit. Thus our Lord Jefns is advanced above all , his oile fhines brightelt, and fwimsaloft above all others. I I. In e.larons and Chrifts anointing and furnifh- ing to their Office c Minifters mutt labour f©r a greater meafure of this ointment thenothers, to runne downe from them to their skirts. They mull prayby the.Spirit, watch by the Spirit, walke bythe Spirit. An uncoil, verted Minifter may doeanother good, hut bee bath no promifèof blefiìng, nor doth any good tohimfelfe. As theholy ointment was kept in the Sanftuary ; So Chrift is the Sanctuary. whence this pile comes. The pipes are the word preached, Sacraments, prayer, focieties of the Saintsand Gods people. And fuch Minifters as con- temptuoufly contemne theconduit-pipes throughwhich this oile drops and Howes , fcorne to come to Sermons, and ioyne in holy exercifes howdoth their oile drie a- way ? Infteadof this oyle that fhould fall from them, a deale of pitch and fume, froth and filthineffe fallson their skirts. I I I. In thecommunication ofthis ointment unto us the skirts, we learne that Chrift is not for himfelfe, but for us. And therefore, r . Examine if thou beef anointed. This is to beea Chriftian, to bee anointed as Chrift was. Scorneft thou this holy oile in thy felfe or others ? Know thou (halt one day with the mountaincs to fall on thee, on whom this oile falls not. 2. Hence draw ftrength in temptation. Remember, If follicited to finne, Oh I have the anointing:; I am taken up, and fet apart to Gods ute; I am for God andhis glory, Neb. 6.11. 3. Ufe meanes toattaine a farther meafure,and be