Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Confcroirion of prìejl:,a type ofChri/1. flayed noton e.larosr head, but ranne downehis beard even to the skirtsof his garments : lignifying that the Spirit of grace diftills from the head unto all the mem- bers of his mylicall body the Catholike Church. Pirft theSpirit defcends and fits onChrifts head, then on the Apofiles, in likeneffeof fiery tongues, running downe as it were by e 4ironi beard ; and from them upon other inferiour perlons beleeving their word,asunto the skirts of hx garment. Now a threefold Application hereof. I. In the anointing ofthe high Prieft, the eminen- cy ofjefusChrif} aboveall creatures; whole very Name carrieth in it a note of principality, being called thehigh Prix] of oar profeffion. And in that this whole confe- crationofthe high Prieft, in molt folemne and ftately manner was but a darke fhadowof his folemne inaugu- ration into his Office. And by this anointing Chrift is di#èrenced from the moft excellent Priefts andProphets that ever were, Aaron, cítilofer, Elias. Some of them hada tnoft glorious vocation, as ultoft, and in the en- tryof theireallings,graced withmoft divine andpower- full miracles : but never anyhad the fpirit fittingon his head but bee. None of them by their anointinghad all graces, nor anygrace inperfection, but onely begunne and in fmall degree. (Aloft: a beleever wanted faith fometime, as whenhe fmote theRocke which he fhould havefpoken to ; and the meekest man in the world was fometimes to feeke of his meeknefre. Aaron, though the oyle was powred on his head, was weake; as in murmuring against ¡Wefts, and inmaking thecalle :. But in our high Prieft all graces and venues were not incho- ate onely, but perfect. In him knowledge ofGodwas most perfe t, holineffe moft perfect, and all kinde.of graces inhigheft degrees. Grace fits inhis lips, not on- ly to move the mind, but tochange it. Noneof them by anointing could receive graces for others, but for themfelves Io Pfal.133s Note. i. Eminencyof Chriít aboveall creatures.. Heb.3.t,