Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Prieflsappor.rell,a lype ofChriJi. on it as a full fatisfa$tion for all our finnes ; for this is the end of(liedding,remiffion of rrnes,Mat. 26. z 8;there- fore of` fprinkling. 2. Daily fantitfccation thronsh thk irinckling. t Pet. i .2. For out ofthe fide of Chritf ifl'ues water as wel as blood;the one redeeming from condem- nation, the other fr vaine cower a tioi, the one purgeth frô the deathofworks, the other from deadwork! them- felves, The fprinkling ofthis blood admits nit fecurity, or idlenetre and carelefnelï"e ; nor fuffcrs a man to finne againft this blond by impe;licency,unbeleefe, de.pifingof grace,horribll fwearing, and foule lush. But makes the Chrittian truely noble, as one now defcended of the blood ofChrift ; fcorning the bate and fouie condohe formerly af}eaed. Find thefe markes, and comfort thy felfe, thou art fprinkled withChrifts blood. Thy whole courte is fanai fled; all thyhearing, all thy obedience, be it never fo wealre in it felfe , bee thyunworthine(fe never fo great, it (hail bee nobarre to thine acceptance with God, for every thing fprinkled withthis precious blood is fweetned andaccepted. Sell. III. II T. The third thing in the deputation of the Priett to his office, is his apparrell, appointed by God, and calledholy garments, glorious and beautiful]; -farce differing from all other mens. And they fignified, r .The funRion tobe glorious and excellent. 2. The fitnefl'e of their perfons to that office. 3. The glory ofthe true high Prieft Jefus Chrift, of' whom Aaron was but a figure. For all the glittering (hew of thefe Prielily garments fet forth the more the Angelicall brightneffe ofall the vertues which fhouid thine in jefus Chrift. The Priefily garments appointedby God were tenne in number ; of which foure belonged to the inferiour Priefts, Exod. 28. 4©. 42. I. A linnen garment: Which fignified the White garment of C H R I S r s, righreoufneffeand innocency; which they were to ap- peare The Prie(}s garments in number tcnne, whereof foure baongedxo in fwiour Pricf}s. r .A linnen gunent.