Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

12.6 Highprie/.r aPpnrel, a type ofthrift. r. With variety of knowledge to bring forth things newand old. 2, Variety ofMinifteriallgift,toinffrat, exhort,reprove,correc1. 2 Tim,3. i6. 3. Variety ofPa- vinggraces, to be an example in word , converfation, in love, in p rit, in faith, inpureneffe. 2 Tim*12. 4. Va rietyofexternall andcivill vertues. i Tim. 3.2, to the 8. and Tit. r .7. More gifts are expe f ed in the builders of thehoule then in any (tone ofit. 3. I I 1, As the. Prieff muff cary on his breaft Uri_m and Mimi: Thummim : fo muft every Chriftian and Evangelicall cQ`e flerii minifter; in whom are required graces miniieriall and Gaza Pexfo- er onalh The former, that- may thine before the con- ne. p f gregation in the lightandpurityof wholeComedottrine. The latter,that he may Thine in integrity and perfection 1001o3v of maners and converfation, fo farreas humane fraìlety 6p947rcdr will fuffer. The Urimmuff enablehim to divide aright, and fürnifh hiru withwholefomeprecepts. The Thum- mim muft fit him to walke aright, and to goe forward in holy praelife. The lights of the world muff give light both wayes. Dent. 3 3, 8. Let thy Vrim andThummim be.. on the manofthy mercy. Mal. 2, 6. The Lawoftruth sues Typats frdelium mouth,andhe walkedin truthand equity.And r Tim, indo6ïiii a Ear in- 4. 1 2. theApoflles Canon is, du'. t everyTimothy thould tep.itatetro.um. be a type ofbeleevers in docirine and upright converfation. I would all ours might be found fuch types.Then fhould not fo many parifhes have lampes without light, Mini- fters without the light oflaving knowledge, and inte- grityofconverfation. I V. As the highPrieft muf' ary his forehead the plate of gold in which was writes°Hofineffe to the Lord : fo theMinifters ofthenew Tefament muft labour for fpeciall holineífe.Ifevery meane fervant in the houle muft be holy, muchmore the f}eward of the houfhold. And ifevery private Chriftian mutt follow holinefle, without whichno man {hall fee God, s eb, r 2. 14. much more the minifters. They that cary the vials of the Lord 4. Speciali doli. neíi -.