Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Id2 I Cleanperfons,type.r of arift. Revel. zi.8. nor cart, nor burthens, nor (addle, nor wooll,nor milk; but onelyto feed and dye; befldes(while they live)their filthywallowing inmiery lufls and puddlesof corrupti- on. Some like the hare, fearefull creatures fhrinking from faith inGod in temptation, and from profefïion of it in times ofdanger and perfecution; more fearingcrof- fes andboffes then God himfelfe,or the Ioffe offalvation. Thefeuncleane creatures cannot enter intoheaven : The fearefull,&c.(Mill have theirpart in the lake, ci c. Of the fame rankeare the Conies, that burrow and treafure in earth, and negle& to treafure where theeves neither digge throughnorf#eale. Mat.6. 9,2 o. Some like the Ravens, blackand unnatural',feedingon carrion. Some like the Ofirich, groffe hypocrites, with fairewings but cannot flye. Somelike the Sea-meaw, partly living on water, partly on land: partly will bePaved by faith, partly by workes ; cary fire and water, blowhot and cold, ofany or no religion. And fomuchmight befaidoftheproper- ties ofthe refl. See, I I. t. T I. The fecond legallnncleaneneífe was caufed from By an uncleane within, and was by theunclean ifl'üe ofrnan or woman ; i(íue. for which were appointed ceremonies of purification, Lev. r z. and cha. i 5.6. All tilde uncleane iffues (of which wemuff rude and fpeake muddily) lead us by What it teach- thehand, i. Intoour felves and the confideration of eth. our naturali corruption, the running i{fues ofwhich meet as every where. 2. Out ofour felves to the remedy, which is by jefits Chrifl our fan ifier.The defcription of this foulenefíe fhewes what we are by natnre,and in the firfl Adam. The maner of the cleanfing fhewes what we are by grace, and in the fecond Adam,in whomalone.' weattainc cure and remedy. To explaine which, wee Ì. mull know that t . Thole lawes concernilg our un- I cleane