Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

16+ ll Cleane perfpns, types ofGeri fi. The of ea of all moran uncleanneffe is to thrill} every man and woman under the curfe of theLaw and wrath ofGod ; who can nomoreabide a man in the fouleneffe of his nature, thenmencan the fpawneof' a mof} vene- j mous ferpent. In Adam all died. S. As the defcription of thofe iffues brought the Jewes to the legali purifica- tion ; for when the Jew faw the danger of his unclean- neffe,and that ifhe feparate not from it hee (hall die in it for defiling Gods Sanauary, verf. 3 z. this made him feeke to the remedy ; So the true underf}andingof a mans forlorne and defperate elate bynature ; and that- except a manbee borne againe ofwater and the holy Ghoft, he can neverfee the IVngdome of God, this makes a man flie out of himCelfe to feeke righteoufneffe and purity in the meanes which God bath appointed. And thus by the very defcription ofour uncleanneffewe are led un- to Chrif}, by whom howwee are tobee cured, wee are after to fee. Iohn s.s. SeEp. III. 3- I I I. The third Legal! uncleanneffe was by the di- Byleprofie. feafe of leprorie; then which none was more foule, morehatefull. None fo lively refembled the native face of finne; none had fo folemne and fignificant rites for cure; none did more exprefly fhadow all conftitutions as conduce to the purging and removingof finne ; and eonfequentlynone more forceably ledus toChrift, who is not in any Ceremony more lively figured. The Lord would have the ,Jews and us in this inilance to bee ledd Per fAz,ihilia ad by things /enfible to things intelleEt call ; by an externall i,telliibilia, and fenfible difeafe tobe caried to that which is internal! and leffe fenfible, for the molt part. And though of' all bodily difeafes, none more exprefly declareth the di- kale of finne in the foule then leprofie ; yet it comes rarrethort of it in the defperate and dangerous proper- ties ofit. Wemull therefore preparemen to Chrift by defcribing i