Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

I7Z a: Vndeannefí'e curedby wa(h- ing,& offering. Cleaneperfons, typer óf Chri ji. fwine in the nayre,andnever are cured till we get out of our felves to the high Prief}, in whom onely it is per- fetily to cleanfe andcure us. Now feeing in this glaf'fe our owne difeafe andneedofcure, let us returne to the meanes ofour cure in thefe three feverall forts ofun- cleanneffe , and in the legali be led to the cure ofmotall uncleanneffe. Thus of the kindsoflegali uncleanneffe. Next, all I.egall uncleanneffe was tobeecured two waies : 1. by46lutionor wafhing. 2. by obIatiórtor offering. Both thefe were appoyntedforall kinds, as in particular. 1. for uncleane touchings and tailings, the parties mutt wafh their cloathes, Levit. I i. 40. 2. for uncleane iffues they muff wafh themfelves and their cloathes, Levit. 15 . i 3. 3. for uncleanneffe of Le- proue they mutt wafh themfelves, their cloathes, and befides (have c ffall their haire , and flay feven dayes without the campe, Lev.' 4.8,9. Wa4hiia2,:blood ofQuilt. Exte,ná,/'ymGoli e'r p-rofefrottis. Yerrtatrsrnternæ. Sea. Y. I. The firft meanes of purging Legali unclean- neffe is wafhing ; which fhadowed out the wafhing of' the fanner inthe laver of Chrifls blood. All thewater in the fea cannot wafh away the leaff finne ; that great worke is appropriated to the bloodofChrifl-, r /oho . 7, the blood of leffis aril' his fanne cleanfeth te.,s from all finne: Rev. i .5 ,who lovedur, andwaledusfrom our f nnet in his blood: which blood is oppofed to all Iegall wafh- ings,He6.9.9. O6jec` . Lev. I 1.49., this wafhing is calleda faneti- fication. e 1nfw; Sanfti£cation is twofold 1. by the outward fiigne; 2. by the inward truth. Theybywafhing, fym- bolically and in outward profeffion by thefe rites fan- tified themfelves but thereby beleevers were led to the