Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Cleanepe!finf'YPes ofChrifl. which is feated in all the members , fo as from the crowne of the head tothe foie ofthe foot, there is no- thing found : but a general' ataxy or diforder in want of all goodneffe in all parts , and proneneffe to all evil'. 4. .Miferable are theetfe s ofthis clofe uncleannelle: As r..in this Imageof finne, no ugly toad can bee Co h.atefull to us , as weeunto God. a. The whole man lies fubjet under thecurfeand wrath ofGod ;Rom. -.18, thefault came on all to condemnation. 3. Nothing can ,proceed fromus but what is foule anddamnable, What can a Serpentca(i out but poyfon ? Whatfoever our owne ftrength or will canbring forth is tainted with this leprofie ; for freewill remaineth onely to evili. 4. Nothing without us that we can touch, but we taint, till we be cleanfed,noted in the infection ofhoufes yell fels, garments. Both earthly things,all the creatures,all our cornforts,aaions,to the unpureall is fo : Yea divine aions,theword, Sacraments,prayer, almes, all polluted by us and tous,fo long as we be unconverted and in our uncleane nature. 5. Ari unregenerate man can con- verfe with no man, but (as a Leper) he inFelshimby example, provocation , corrupt opinions, frothy fpee- ches, fruitleffebehaviour. And ifthey that poyfon mens bodies are worthy extreme punifhment, and every man detefts theta :howmuchmore revere wrathofGod 1 are they liableunto , that do nothing but poyfon mens foules? 6. No Leper was fo worthily caft out of the campe ; as all ofus bynature are worthilycaft out ofthe fociety ofSaints in earthand in heaven, yea from the prefencc& fellow(hipofGod and jefus Chriff, and that for ever. Sinneproperly {huts out ofheaven,no uncleane . thing comes there:nothing more hateful to God,nothing butthat hated by him. 7. All this mifery we our (elves .canneitherdifcerne nor remedy. It makes uspure in our one eyes,though wehe notwafbcd, Prov.3o.1 a. We lye wallowing in our filthineffe, and.:delight in it as the fwine 171 ;At. x.fiOgeIHs eire4 7roJbcS viiES 4 MiCcrable ef- fceis of i.vwa-d uncleanncflè. ., ... ,11011111111031.01.4,11.1. _