Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

184 Note. 1. Thereyis a way to cleanfeevery undeanne(fe. Note. 2. Have recourfe to the 'manes. .IPativct. Clean erfons p , ype.r of ri.. mul} bee often applied ; the third day, and the feventh day : The death and merit of Chrift muff beoften me- ditated and applied to the heart. For it is a perpetual) and eternall purging and. fprinkling water in the Church, and wemullhave daily recourfe unto it. I. That the Lord hath appointedmeanes for clean. fngall kind of impurity : I. That his peopleand we might know,that by no infirmity and frailty we (hallfall quite out of the grace ofGod:a.That the Lord takes not the forfeitof all the fcapes,and foule falls ofhis children, utterly to forfake them: feeing thejew that was legally polluted feventy times feven times, was as often recei- ved in againe as he wascleanfed, according to the purifi- cation of the Sanauary : 3. That we fhould not def- paire, nor thewcake Chriffian beequite dejec`tedin the fence of the multitudeof' his frailties and foule totíches, feeing theGofpel affoords us the remedy and meanes to cleanfeall moral' uncleanneffe,no leffe certainly and fully, then the Law to theJews, to purge their legal!. I I. As the Jewwas no fooner defiledby touching a dead man, orbone, or grave, or tent, or any thing about him, but hee muff prefently repaire to the rneanes ofle- gall cleanfrng : SD everyChriffian defiled by the leali touch of any dead workemuff have recourfe to the re- medy appointed in the Gofpel. The Law appointed the water of-the afhes of' a redd Cow : but theGofpel ap- points the redd blood ofJeti s Chrift, fprinkled and ap- plied by faith (as byhyfrope)upon the confcience < Con- fider, T. The nece(iity : The perfon defilednot ha- ving this fprinklingupon him (hall becut offfrom Ifrâel, v^rfe t3. So whoíbever bath not the blood of Chrift fprinkled uponhis foule, (hall beecut off from thenum- ber and inheritance of theSaints, Mark,. r 6, 16. bee that beleever notfhall be damned. z. Every finne is a fepara- tion from God, who being a God of' pure eyescannot abide the filthof it ;. and therefore wee had need Conti- nuaIly 4