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z. Peace by Chrift moil excellent. Hebr.7. Heb,7.3, Melchizedek a ope ofchrifi. teoufheffe mall arile. From him all have righteoufneffe as from a fountaine. I I. In his Office. T. Flee was King of Satan, ofpeace : So Chrift is called, the Prince orpe ice,Ifst.9.6. not of a corner, but ofall the world ; and of Salem,that is, of Ierufetlean, Pfal. z. 6. I have fet my King on Sion. On his fboulders was the governerrzeut laid. Of whom Zach. 9.9. 0 Iertfalern behold, thy King cornmeth unto thee, hee is jufl and favedhimfelfe, poore and ridingupan an afe : But with this difference; Melchizedck brings peace earthly, temporal! : but Chrift is our peace, Ephef: z. 14. by whomwe have peacewithGod ; heeguides our feote into the way of peace, and leades us topeace eternall : So he was true king of true peace, fo was not Melchizedek 2. Mcichizedekwas not onely a King, but Prieft of the highGod, Gen. z q..18. So Chrifc was both Kingand Prieft ; King, Revel. z .5. Prince ofall the kings of the earth : Prieft, lieb. 4.14. Our great high Prielt. This was not ufuall in the lewes Policy, or pro- genyof David to whomonely the kingdome was pro- mifed ; neither wouldGodadmit theminglingofthefe Offices atnong them, as in Vzziah, 2.Cbron.26. Put as this dignity was referveduntoChrifl : íowas it difpen- fed with in his fpeciall figure to beeboth a great King and Priefi. I I I. In his original!. Without father or mother, genealogy, beginning or end of dayes; without kindred, that is, noneof thefe mentioned in Scripture, or in the Floryof his life. Although he had both father, mother, kindred , 'birth, death ; yet the Lord of fet purpofe wouldhave all theCe concealed in Scripture, that bee might be a more expreffe typeof Teals Chrift, whowas truely without father as man, Luke'. 35 that holy thing which pallbee borne of thee, foall bee called the Sonne of God; without mother as God, without kindred accor- ding to his Deity, in refpc & of his divine nature with - out