Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Jolepli a type ofChri L So Jefus Chrift above all leffons coalmenTed to us the new Commandement oflove, a badge ofhis difciples ; teacheth us how to pray, and what, in the Lords prayer ; himfelfe intercedes for us,andobtaineth all that good is, and provides for as in earth till we come to Ca/man. I I I. In his fùffrings and paffions. i . Thear- chers grieved him , Gen.49.23. that is, not his Mifiris onely and Matter, but his brethren alto confpire againít him, although fent from his father in love, and comes in love to fee how they doe, and toknow their wants ; yet they fcorn him,behold yonder dreamer comes;they con- fuit to kill him, let us kill him and feewhit will become ofhisdreames : So Jefus Chrift cameamong his owne, fent fromhis Father in love, pitying the wandrings and wantsofinen; but the Jews fcorne himforadeceiver, plot tokill him, confpire against his life. 2. As his brethren fold him for twenty pieces, ílript him naked, calf him into a pit, fent him as a flave into egypt, where hee ( being indeed free) became a fervant : So Jefus Chrift in his infancywas Pent into Egypt, fold by the Jews for thirty pieces, fiript nakedof his apparrell, and in the forme ofa fervant cart into the pit of death and the grave, whence they thought never to have head more of him, as Iofphs brethren did. 3. As in this fervice Iofeph was tempted to whoredome by his wan- ton Miftris when they were alone, and that oftenand dayly ; but by firengthofgrace floutly refitted, yea con- quered her and himfelfe Sowas jefus Chrift in the en- tranceof his Minirfery f}rongly affailed bySatan to fpiri- tuall whoredome when he was alone in the wilderneffe, and that often fet upon; yet by the power of the Spirit overcame and conquered, fo as the evill one found no- thing in him. 4. As in this fervice (notwithf}and- ing his faithfulneffe and innocency ) lofeph was falfely ac- cufed, condemned, caf into prifon with theButler and Baker : So wasJefus Chrift, notwithfianding all his in D 2 nocency