Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

3$ O,dered,and how. rfe 3: Comfort by Chrift ourfa- .íep manifold. Jofeph a type of Ghrtfl. 1 level gathered themfelves together, to doe whatfoever thy hand and counfell haddetermined. Let not tis looke fomuch at mens malice as at Gods decree. So did David whenhe Paid; Shianei curfethbecaufe the Lord bath bid bim curie David,t. Sam.i6.io. Itfor brethrenwee find enemies,letus fay as Iofeph; itwas not you, God hath an hand in it. 2. Our fitffrings are ordered by God. i . For their meafure,as in the type; Come, fay they,let us kill the drearner,but they could not : So in the truth; come let us kill the beire , and then the inheritance fhall be ours; let us bury him, and lay (tones, and watchand feale, yet with all thefe they could not keepe him under. Fearenot ev ill men, they 'Shall not doe as much as they will, but asGod will. 2. For the end, they cannot fruftrate the counfell ofGod, nor his dreames. Neither Gods glory nor Zofepbs preferment can beprevented ; So the jewes,Let us put this fakeer to death,and we (hall well íhifc our hands of him, what will become of his dotrine,ofhis Difciples : But all turned to his greater exaltation,as fofephs. Conclude hence,that all the hatred of evill men, unjaft accu[átions, faafe, fentences, cruel executions 'hall not hurt, but one wayor other fet for ward our trueft good. As both Iofeph. and Chrifts turne to their greateft advancement, both their innocencies breakeout as the light. And innocency is innocency,and will be fo knowne, and 'hall be as theSunne at none day. I I 1. A angular comfort. Is Chrift the true Iofeph oar brother:?H.ee will i. know us whenwe know not him, as Iefepb. He will love us beforewe can Iove him, hewill love us when we (hall not know it, his bowels will carnewithin him towards us, z Cor. 6.9. as un- known, andyet knowne. He is a (tone ofrefuge to all his brethren, and though he be rough for awhile and try us with temptations and affligions offundry forts as Iofeph did, yet he will at length make himfelfeknowne tobee Iofeph;