Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Sampfon 4 type of Jbrzfl. both led away , both bound, both brought forth at a great feat, bothblinded, both fcorned, both fattened to apoft, the oneofthehoule, the other of the croffe. 2. As Sampfon offered himfelfe freelyunto death a- mong wicked men, as a molt valiant Captain being called to be a revenger ofGodsenemies; and therfore it is faid,Heb. t I. he died(not as a felfemurtherer, but) in faith ; that is, as a faithful! fervant of God adventured his owne life for the deftruc4ion ofthe enemies ofGod and his Country, as every good fubjeé} and fouldier (prefled to thefield)©ught to do. SoJefus Chrift volun- tarily offeredhimfelf to death,and wentout tomeetthe apprehendors, and was content-to dye among wicked men, and tobe hanged betweene two theeves, that he might deliroy and fcatter the powers of the enemies of his Churches falvation. I V. In victory and fortitude. r. His frft ftrata- gem (whichwas as a prxludium to his calling) in which he allayed his power, was that he overcamea flout Lyon in thedefert,and flew himwith his owne hand, ch. r 4.6. and tarehint, as one Jhoiídhave rent a Kid : So the firít powerful! worke in which our Sionpfon chewedhim felfe, was the conquering of' the devil' that roaring Lyon hand to hand, who affaulted him in the.wilder- nelle by three horrible and hellifh temptations, 2. Sampfon flew with his owne hand (being.alone) above a thoufaud menat once, having , nothing but the Jawbone ofan Afle;a weake, bate, and infufficient wea- pon for fo great a warre and vit ory ;_ and as it was un- fit, fo it was anuncleane weaponof anuncleane beaft by the Law, which his ftriFt profeffion of a Nazarite fhould not have touched, had it beene out ofcafèofne. ceßïty: So our true Sampfon byas weake and vile inftrw- Tents, and as contemptible in the eyesofflefh conquers thoufandsdaily.; while by the foolifhneffe ofpreaching, by the doctrine of the Croire, byweakeearthenveffélls he f 57 stratagems and viftories.