Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

74 9. Things to be attained, Rom.4.4. David a type ofgrill. it thrives beii in oppofitíon. 9. In things to be at- tained. In them theheft things are honour, pleafure, ex- ternal( profperity, and this for a time : But Chrifls King- domebands not in meat or drink, but in righteoufneffe, peace of confcience, joy in the holy Ghofi, in grace here, and glory hereafter. The wealth of Chrifis fubjeci is to be rich in grace, rich in good works, his honour tobe of the ífackand linage of Chrift, his pleafure a patient and painful! expeaationof the pleafures at Gods right hand. And thefe being eternal!, the kingdomeof Chrift muff needs be eternal:now this being the gloryofthe kingdom ofChrikwehave needof faith co difcerne it, and a great meafure of humility before wee can refolve tobecome fubjeds of it. The theefc on the CroffeaskingChrift to remember him in his Kingd )m&, Augssfline askes him : Ruidr'gillvides? what Royalty doefl thou fee ? Seefl thou any other cro»ne videfne co Ton then that ofthornee anyother Scepter then ironnayles, any aliá qu'iz' fp¿nea, other purple then blood, any other Throne then a wooden fceptlam alrud p p quamclaws-, aliá Crofe, any other gard then executioners ? Was there now purpurarn quam fogreat faith in ifrael ? Let our faith touch the top of fangutnem, situ this Scepter, let us fubmit our (elves to his word for the throw qua Grace, nrefent and caf( our eye beyond the prefent upon his allos minifiros quz carniftces? Vfe3. How God brings his fer. vanes toho- nour. econd comming, when wee fhall fee him ride upon a, white horfe, not upon garments but upon theClouds inpower and great glory ; entring,not jerufalcrn,but the flage ofthe whole world ; to render unto every man (evenKings) according as they have done in the flefh good or evils. III, David was called and annoynted to bee King,but betweene that and the inflalling, or enjoying ofhis Kingdome, he had many troubles, doubts, and feares that made him f}agger, and fay : Ijl'allfurely one dayfall by the hand ofSaid : So was the true Davidjefas Chrift anno nted with the fulneffe of the Spirit, and called to beKing ofhis Church,but before his inftallati- on into his Kingdome, many affliaions, perfecutions, feares,