Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CItAP.I.g. 86 *Nee hoe loco perm; firfa fa a; Tito vt libers & quart regia po teflate minittros Eccicfijsprsfi- ciar,led vt faluo furs &pareíta te eligendt fane prsfcnrandi qns eft penes IiCclrí Icgia lacerdo ñ, moderator ipfc acccdar,&or. dinator.Megal;- anus Icfoir.ad Tit.cap.a.fcft. 5.annor.,. Antequacn di abolinilindtu lludia ;n relit - one listen,: CO. muni Prssbyte. rorum conflio gubernabantur. üier.in loenm. Omni a&u ad me per]aro pia cuit Prxebyee- rioni contrahi vt firmato con. filio,qu;d circa perfonam coni obferuari debe- ret omniumcó 'lenfu Ratner, tur.Xypr bb.;. epilt_,t ad Cor. a %oí72 tria av, fnbaud .xarna. b xa1'iu%Tnoíar. No religion can [brine or conri, nue,if themini. fuie be vnfet. led anddilcon- tinned. A Commentsrre vonthe fice menvntoGod, Rom..t 5.16.and partly, becaufe they held the pla- ces in the Church which thePriers and Leuites did before the comming ofChrill : imitating herein the Prophets themfelues, as Ira. 66. el. pro - phecying oftheglorie ofthe newTetlament,faith, that the Lord would take of theirfannerfor Priefis,nnd for Leuites: not that they were to be fuch as were to offer typicall and figuratiue facrifices of that onely facriñee, as the Iewl(h Priers ; nor yet commemoratiue, as the Romifh ( feeing all facrifices but onely the fpiritual oblations ofChriffians.wereceafed) but he calleth them by that name then in vfe, noting them onely as the fucceffors of the Prietls andLeuites, but not afctibingany proper work ofthat office voto them. 2. The person placing there Elders, is Titus , who bath commiffion 1 gioco him, that as the* cheire gouernour and moderator of this aéfion, 1 (houldeftablilü teachersof found doarine in all the cities throughout the 'land: andbecaufe the whole a ìion wasto be cheifely ordered by him, it is wholly afcribedvoto him:as the Cooful is laid to create Con- fuls, when notwithflandingthere was acourt or alfemblieof Confulls at the choife or appointment ofthem. Which ifit be not thus to bee vn- derllood, I fee nor how Elders could be appointed by eleóiion as the manner of the Apollies was, Aé1.14.23. and Timothie mull neither lay hands on any man ra(hly,nor yet partake herein with other meatfirmer, namely,luch as were vied to be ioyned withhini in this buliines, i.Tim, 4.14. 3.The place where,is,inenerie a city:that is,wherfoeuer there is a body ofpeople for a fit congregation,there uro11 a Pallor or Elder be placed: the phrare is of the fame valour with that, AEt.14.a 3. When they had or- dameel Elders hyeltffion,in emery bChurch. For euen in the Apofllesdaies there was a certain kind ofdiflin&ionof Churches and congregations: for the Elders had their flocks, ouer the winch the holy Ghoi hadmade them ouerfeers,and which depended on them, I.Pet.S.z. A6r.eo.z8. Doar. Euen there where the Church is planted , is fuch an abfolute necelfitie ofa felled mini1ery,as without it,it is impeflible that religion can either thriue or continue : and therefore as the Lord had formerly dealt in planting his politieamong the Iewes, fo cloth he here in plan- ting Chriflian religion among the Gentiles:no fooner was his law giuen concerninghis Tabernacle,hut Aaron and hisfonns.,and the tribeof Le_ nimu(l be fan&ified torbe office ofPeiefthood,to attend on holy things, to teach andoffer,and performe their feucrall duties according to the Lords dire&ion;elfe had theformer labour been loft in like fort in vaine had the publifhingoftheGofpelbeene (although by the Apollies théfelues) had they not ellablifhed fuch ordinances euery where, as fer- ued i