Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epifile o fs. Pazrlte) Titer. CHAP. I.5. 'much leffe any fince. The fecond branch of' Tittu his dutie, is theplacing of Elders in eueric citie : where that we may come to the meaning ofthe Apofile, muff bee confidered 3.things: r. who are meant by Elders : z. who muff place chele Elders : 3. where they snuff be placed. I. The perlons to be placed are called Elders, that is, Wafflers, Pa- (fors, Bi(hops: for thofe who are here called Elders,are called B ops,v. .true it is,that fometimes the word is vied generally,for any that beare any Ecclefiaflicall fur Lion, in Which feufe the Apoftles themfelues are fometimes called Elders, yet here I take it,it mull be vnderffood of thofe who labour in the word and doe-trine : for fuch are defcribed through the Chapter. The reafon of their name is taken from their age , not as though they alwaies were the oldel men: for wifedome is not tyed to gray haires, and Timothy was oneof them , and yet a youngman: but in regard of the wifedome,experience, and lhaiedneffe, required in Inch as are to be called to this office; which ought tobe fuch as ordinarily is not to be found in young yeares. For how meete is ir, that the man of God fhould be furnished with granitic and authoritie,that entry wayhe may be worthy ofdoublehonour,both in regard ofhis perfon, as alto of his gifts, place, and workes fake. The Papifis enery where tranflate this wordPriefi''s, and makepreíbyteri and facerdotes all one. Wherein although the word cannot be more vnfitly'tranflated, yet would we be loath greatly to firiue with them about names and titles(as hauing mat- ters ofgreater moment and difference, more then we with) were it not that the very name were a fupporter of that hor:ihle idolatrie of theirs, fo infinitely derogatorie to the onely facrificeofChrifl. grid therefore feting the Miniffers ofthe neweTetiament, are neuer fo called in the newe Teffament, but sage v =s, ilrfQxo7o1 , 1qotc6T£i, and ggsafk%Tepot, and neuer i:pc7;, it were good and fate to keepe our felues to the titles the Gofpel bath giuen vs. And Peeing that the Papifis impoufly not onely reraine the name in the proper fignification , but all() an of- fice of Priefihood , flatly oppofìre vnro the Priefily office of Iefns Chriff ; it is no lcffe then our dutie to oppofe our felues ar;ainfi both fuch an office, and fuch a title.Which in the proper lignification is fo pa- culiar, as it is attributed tonone vn,let the Gofpel, but voto Chrifi him- felfe. I denie not but in thecommon acceptation acheword,it is afcri- bed to all Chriflians both miniffers &people,who are called 4holy Priefi- hood,andbeteeuingare madeKings andPrieffsvntoGod. Neither is ir de- nied, but that fome of the Greeke andLatine Fathers called the mini- tiers of the Gofpel Priefis, but this was by improper and tranflated (peach : partly in that by their miniflerie they doe daily offer and facri- gS rrpt,g62,p,, z.& ieiron t l unclocum. epees I. Efteliligentìa dgnap'isprnp trrnncnrd,am 1oynicum Eo- rcnteChemn devdGt.toe. ;hPec Reu.or. qutrcaUufione einAamnomcn raeerdnds rri. Uuunr miniltrìs Fn,ngdu. Wh,rak.ennrr. ì F 3 fice