Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

TheEpifJkDedieuoritc, hindyou. The lrtter,bothin that hehashput in your heart a fpc- ciall careoffencing your felfeby religious and innocent walking; wherbyyou haueadornedyour holy profcffion, innot layingyour felfe in any part open to the enuionsfcratchingof Moser : As al- fo hath expreflielyengrauen this part of his image vpon you , to etieeme his children ashike' among show; whereby a goodcui- dence is minifired toyour owne heart,thatyou arc tranflatedfrom kohl. life. 3.That I might (litre vpyour Hon. as youhaue caufe to rcioyccin,and let your heart vpon this purchafe which is the portionbut ofafew,to efieeme it, as it is, your trucfi Honour and Nobilitie; your vnperifhing riches and treafure : whereas all earthly glorie, and greatnefíe, worldly wealth and abundance, abfiratled from this, neitherarcyour own; neither if they were can theymakeyou happie. It was an excellent fpeachof that no- bleEmperour Theodofirw,of whom .4ugmtine writeth that he was ,¡agis îe gau- wont to fay, That he accounted it more honour that he was a d re qu á member ofthe Church,then thehead of the Empire. s. That I Dei elrer,yua might adde one incitement andprouocation to proceed (as you cap °C Anperj haue begun happily)in the loueandpraûifcof true pictie :where- in whiff}you profit and encrcafe,you prouide a good flocke for the time ofneed. Let your Hon. giue roc leauc to encourageyou to goeon inennobling nobilitie it fclfe, bybeing infcriour to few ofyour honourable ranke, as inyour outward cu ate, fo in the beautifull gifts and ornamentsofyour mind : fuch as arc hunili- tic,humanicie, a lowly and lonelycarriage. Let cefarand Pompey. Nec jamhere andother gallants aline Cxrarue u robe fuperiours in pompe and enured priorem Pam. greatneffe: it is your honourtohaue learned that humilitie is the fu;'v` p710ns. fira,fecond,and third flaire of Chrifiian nobilitic. Go on in Hwn.ftsoo, the íkrcngthof the Lord, to continue a ungular ornament, and run,prima.fe- rnuniment of the Commonwealth , which is not made by any c ßúa, etria. thingmore outwardlyhappy,then in godlyMagiflracie,andNo- bilitie. Goon in (hewingyour felfc a careful patron oft-he Church of God, in making free and vncorrupt choifeof fuch Pafiors, as wholeholy docirme and life, are the counterpaine one ofthe other: Q°r;°;rudio + efiCI in which godly careyour Hon. hath worthily carried the palme., a.aar., hi T.hefe were thecheife motiucs, which drewon this myprefump- } tion