Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EptfileofS. PailtoTitus. CHMP.1.7. the godly themfelues : as Afa(otherwile a good King) yet was wrath with the Seer , andput him inprifon. And true it is , that rafh anger a- gaintt the teacher,neueraccompG/heth the righteoufneffe of God, but eau- feth men to raft off the care of that righteoufnefle which God in the Miniftery enioyneth and vrgethupon them. Wherefore layingapart all filthineffe,and ruperfluitie of malicioufneffe, let vs receive with meelkpneffe, that is, with filence,moderationof mind,and teachablenes, theingrafted word : for vpon whomelfe can that holy fpirit of God reff , but vpon the humble anti meek!? and none but thefe doth the Lord teach in hie way. Vfe.3. Let noman minifler, nor people ghee place to this vnruly and troublefome affe &iota ofra fhanger,which mutt be pleafed in euery thing,be it neuer fovniuti, or elle the whole man is enflamedwith the vnnaturall beate ofthis raging feuer of the mind. The truth of which appeateth in Abner , when lfhbofhethKing of Ifrael asked him, why he fo boldly went in intohis Fathers Concubines : what, faith he, am 1 dogeshead, that thou fhouldefffay shies veto mee? and yet every man law the vnrighteoufnes ofthe a&ion betides himfelfe. Betides that, the bar- dangerous fruits ofit are daily difcouered in fuddaine quarrells, & barousmifcheifes. Notorious was theeffe&ofitinTheodofrus,other- wife agood Emperour,whovponoccafionofafeditious tumult, wher- in a few ofhis officers were flaine,called all the citizens of Theffalonica into the theatre , as though he had had to thew them tome folemnitie: and there commanded his fouldiers to fall vpon them, and flewof them both innocent andguilty,to the number ofabout f auen thoufand : for which fa& er(mbrofe excommunicated him , and brought him to pub- like repentance and humiliation. How curled was the rage of Simeon and Levi, who moli treacheroufly andbarbaroufly, for one offender, brought fo much innocent blood vpon themfelues ? How fearefully did Dauid forget himfclfe,in vowing thedeath not ofNabal only,who was churlifh towards him, but ofall his guildes family,who were fo well af- fe&ed towardshim ? Obie il.Oh but I amoffuck a nature that I cannot but beangry :would to God I could bridle mine bailie anger. stint. t. AChrillian Mutt haue morethen nature inhim : grace mutt teach him, when, andhow,and how long tobe angry : it breaketh not naeeknes for trifling occafions,but in caules ofimportance, efpeciallyin cafe ofGods difhonour,in our owne great damages ofname, goods, or efiate;and the iniuries ofothers,efpecially the Saints ofGod:in al which cafes the Scriptures are plentiful) in examples. Againe , gracemutt mo- derateauger and fuffereth it not vponany pretext to degenerate into T37 2.ehr.16.1a Iamasa vcr,st Ifa.66.7. Pfai.as.y. aSam.3.t T °°ris Ci AC; slt.c.dac. v. Gcn.4s.z. ¡ Sam.rSri34 Viaere fecunda nacuramnon sit credencis,I, 1. Martyr. rancour