Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpipeofS. Paul toTiter. CHAP.I.7. of theTemple; for he was not onely a Minifier,but the Lordof hisTem- ple. Nor theApofloiicall rod wherewithPeter flrucke Ananiasdead, and Paul Elymas blind, which was a giftextraordinarie, and temporarie.We muff walke by thisordinary canon , whichprohibiteth aMinifier to be a tlriker. Vfc. a. What anhapppie change ofthings fhould our eyes fee, if this one chargeof the Apohie were duelyobferued ? how might brethren hue together in vnitie,although they retained force difference in judge- ment in things circumftantiall and of leffer moment ? then fuch as are too hot, might be wifely cooledwithout chafing and florming: fuch as are waake, might be by foftneffe and gentlenes fupported by the flron- ger:fuch as haue [hayed, might by the fpirit of meeknes be reduced into the fold ; and fuch as are loath to fleppe awry , fhould be incouraged in their godly care. And furely this is the meanes vied by Chrifi,and his A- poflies in thebuilding ap of hiskingdom,andmaintainingofhis caufes; who while they hadpower tocommand, did rather choofe to befeech men, and notonely prablifed in their own perlons, but prefcribed toall thofe who were to fucceed them in their labours , and to continue the miniftrie unto the end.Wheras contrariwife,what is it that bath vphol- den Antichrifi fo long , &quickned and preferued life in bad caufes,but violence, cruelty, and rage,againfl the feruantsof God? The firongefi arguments inPoperiewere euer fire and fagot,and if they couldnot take away the reafonsalleadged by the word,this they could doe,euen take a- way their liues by the fword of theMagifirate. 2. Hereare reprehended manyProphets, and the fonnesof the Pro- phets, who perhaps in the fchoole of the Prophets are no better then fwafhbucklers , fitter to receiue pay in the field, then penfion from the Churches patrimonies refolute Lamechs who readily reuenge an iniurie feuentie times feuen fold : whole glorie is to quarrel!, and hand out at fwords point with any man: that which is Gods glorie they deeme co- wardize,namely topaffe by an offence. How doe chele confider that they are either dedicatedunto, or difmiffed with the tidings of peace ? that they areto feruevnder the Princeof peace, cuen theHead of our profeflion ? who in his ovine perfonbare all iniuries,rebukes,and buffet- tings of finners,audcommanded his Difciples to turne the other cheeke Matth.53,. to the fmiter:noc that it is not lawful! for them to {land vpon their law- full defence,but to be fo fame from offering or returning iniurie, as that they tnufi rather fuller twaine then reuenge one. 3. The famedutiebelongeth toeuery Chrifiian: for theApofile fpea- keth not a word in allthere minifleriali dire &tions,efpecially in the man- ner andcarriage of the life of theMiniflor, but it concerneth euery man K a in Aa 47 mug. Eph.q.1.