Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

E/:JZleofS. Paul to Titus. faith. So Toone as Lydia heart was touched and Thee baptized , marke how heartily (hee inuiteth `Paul and Silas to her houle: Ifye haue coun- ted mefaithful!, come intomy hoop, andabide with mee : andThecontrained vs,Acrl.t6.t 5. a. It is afruitfull and gainefull courfe of Chri(Iianitie: neuer any loll by it. Some hereby (faith the Apo(Ile)haue receiuedAn. gels, as o4brahm andLot: and with them theone had befides the pro- mile ola forme, thedefiruttionof Sodome reuealed vntohim ; and the other had deliuerance from the fame. And furely fuch ftrangersas of whom we fpeake, namely poorc Chrifiians, bring no finall good 'with them. That woman ofShunem that receiued the Prophet, had aboue a Prophets reward ; thepromife and gift ofa forme when (he was old; and the ratting ofhim to life when he was dead. Jacob bering hunted from home, Laban receiueth him, and is bleffed for his fake. Rahabentertai- neth theSpies fent from home ; andnot onely (hee, but all her family is faued in the lackingof Jericho. dofeph beeing fold from home, Egypt re- ceiueth him, and all the Landwas preferuedby him. G.aiuo his loue was teflified to the Church in his time, but is commended in the Church through all ages. What good our felues haue gotten by (}rangers a- mongfl vs, we Ihould bevnthankefull not to acknowledge ; the blef(ing of thepoorehath light vpon vs, and we haue a long time fared better for affoarding harbor to the pooreSaints of God which hauecome a farre vnto vs. 3. Confider that our felues may become ftrangers, for the earth is theLords ; and he may glue our Land to other inhabitants,and makeour felues fit-angers : and then we would looke for more kind en- treatie, then a number thew toward (Irangers. And laflly, if that bee a (Irong reafon of the Lord, Leuit. Lo. 19. Loue the firanger, foryee were _!rangers; it bindeth vs muchmore, who all of vs are firangersand pil- grims here vpon earth, not hailing hereany continuing citie, but we looke for one tocome, Hebt 5. t 4. (Mica-. But foremay be ditfetnblers and wickedmen, whom wemay receive for brethrenand Difciples; andnot knowing a man, I may be a- bufed, and loofe both mygift and reward. Anfw. Chriftian wifedome, andChrifüan loue, muff goe hand in hand. But here is a cafe inwhich charitiemu(I overrule the matter, and that is not fúfpiciour,but hopeth the bell ofeuery one,where there is no euident proofe or prefumption to the contrarie. And if thou receive a Miniftcr difireffed in thename of a Mi- nifler , or a private difireffed man in the nameof a righteousman , and glue him but a cup ofcold water with a good heart,in that thou thtnketl hebelongeth to Chrifl, let him be what he will at hisowne peril! , thou loofefi neither gift nor reward: Chrift hath vndertaken to repay it thee; and thou performefl afrasteof faith , which (hall further thy reckoning. L3 Vfe. CHAP.1.8. i65 a Hcb.t;.s. 1,King.4.t6. Gen, ;eaq. 10,6.23. Gen.4m.$6. 3 4 t.Cor.y,7. Phil.4.zv.