Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.1,8. 168 Whether we muftloue only good men. Ptzt.ta,;, Whether oncly miniflers mull be loners of good men. t 4Commentarie vpon the extended) ouerall his creatures: but his fpeciall grace in Chrifl, where. by he embraceth a (mall number incomparifon of the wholemaffe of mankind ; whom ofthe childrenofwrath, he chufeth to the adoption of fonnes:on whom he flampeth his owne image,and fo maketh them both lonely tohimfelfe, andworthy tobe loued ofvs alto. Now for thebettervnderflandingof theprecept , two queflions are tobe refolued. T. Whether good men onely are to be loued, and not e- uill? etnfw. As God isgoodwere all, Pfal.145.9. but efpecially to lfrael, and thofe of a pure heart, Pfal.73. r. yea as he loued vs when we were enemies,but much more now beeing reconciled by the death ofthe Son: fo is thecommauudement dire6ted vnto vs, to loue, and doegood vnto butefpeciaily to the hailholdoffaith,Gal.6.to. Befides,this word fee- meth to eye fuch an inward affeétion, as draweth into the fellowfhippe, companie,and conuerfation ofan other, in whom for fomegoodnes ap- pearing, it delighteth: andvetowhom it would (lilt draw force degrees nearer. Whence thus we may faflen the duty more finely vpon our (clues; I am indeed bound to loue all men, in relpeét of Gods image, humanitie, and common nature, and the common law of nature; feting I my (elfe, were I neuer fo bad, wouldbe loued ofall: yea, and in regard that they may participate with me in the fame grace of life : but how muchmore then fuch as are nor men onely, but good men , who haue Gods image renewed vpon them, Saints bycalling,fuch as excell in ver- tue: how fhould not all mydelight in c:omparifon be let vpon thefe ? IfI mull manifefl my loue toadmen, thefe may well challenge brotherly k nd- eeeb: fee a.Pet.I.7. 2. Qeff. Whether this precept belongeth onely to Minifiers or no? Anfw. It is here dire&ed vnto the Minifler, and commended to his pra_ Elifein the firfl place;as a fpeciall both helpe andornament to his calling andperfon ; both to fhew himfelfe a friend, and familiar companion of all them that feare God, (for fuchas a mans companion is, fuch is him- felfe) as alto to confirme, encourage, andwhet vp himfelfe and others in all the waits of God, not onely by his publike Minillerie, but in his pri- vate courfe, and conuerfation. For by thismeanes Pafiorand people would not lineeflranged,but by mutual! conuerfing together,and recei- uing mutual knowledge oneofan others courfe,gifts,and wanrs;might receiue alto mutuall admonition, inflruétion, (lrength. And thus the worke ofGod would thriue inall their hands. And what an encourage- ment would it be to pietie and vertue, if publike perlons would cherifh thofe who are comming forward ? Surely, if the Magillrats eie bee on them that are faithful! in the land, asDauids was, Pfal. sos. and if the Minifler bea companion of all them that feareGod, as euery Timothie ought